Toddling toddler


Life is moving fast these days. Particularly with you. You are still growing and getting big fast. You are walking and talking more every day. You are running and collecting rocks. It is a very special time for your mom and I. We can now interact with you. It is so interesting to spend time with you. You have opinions and want things and you are learning to manipulate your mom and I with your cries and asks. You are always asking for milk and and food. You boss us around and asks us for rocks when we hike.

We’ve been walking a lot more with you. The other day I walked almost a mile with you on the Colorado Trail. It seems like you are going to be an outside girl. We put you on the ground and you kind of just go. It is wonderful.

You seem to be advanced for your age. You are more coordinated than most kids and you can also talk more than most kids your age. We are of course biased but we feel like you are way ahead of your time.

Your mom and I are living through some pretty crazy times while all this is happening. I Both your mom and I’s careers are progressing faster than I think we ever expected. Your mom has been working in Utah on Uranium and Lithium resource exploration. Her job is really lucky. She works part time on really cool geology for an Australian company. She’s been doing a good job for them and they have been giving her more and more responsibility. We are very lucky that she can have such a rewarding career and still advance. I just got a temporary promotion that will last 4 months doing things I really like. I hope I can apply my skills at this job as a biologist working on mapping. I’m kind of a nerd an like to program. I hope that I can teach you to program some day….If you are interested. I think it is amazing what computers can do.

We are also building a house. By the time you read this you will likely have lived in the house for most of your memory. It is in full swing and the garage is almost done. We are starting the rest of the house soon.

We wouldn’t be able to handle this if you weren’t a really easy kid and we didn’t have wonderful people to help. You nanna and pappa have been so wonderful. They watch you all the time and it has been awesome to see you guys develop a wonderful relationship. Your Nanny Theora is also so amazing to you. She is so good with you.

Anyway we love you and feel so lucky to have you. You are a wonderful child and I can’t wait to see what you become.

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