Getting Old Fast

It’s been a few months since we last posted. A lot has happened in that time. Tonight we were sitting on the porch and you walked down the front steps all by yourself. Your mom and I couldn’t believe it. About an hour later you were in the bath and fell completely under. Your mom and I were in the next room and heard you fall and came running in. You were scared but OK. You got right back in the tub.

We’ve been going bouldering with you now that it is getting warmer. There is a great place to go climbing close to our new home in Durango. You’ve even been doing a bit of bouldering yourself.

Things have gotten really fun with you lately. You are becoming very interactive. You can tell us if you want things, which is so special. You learned how to sign all done and I’m hungry. You can say a few things like mom and daddy, which you’ve known for a while. But you also know “wow” and “Uh Ow” and “Yum” and “Yuck”. You also shake your head when you don’t like something.

Tonight I was sitting in the kitchen on the floor. You had just come out of the bath and we were letting you air dry naked to help with some mild diaper rash. And your mom and I and you were all interacting with one another. It was the first time I really felt like you were an addition to the family. You’ve always been part of the family ever since you were born. But tonight it really felt like you were an individual for the first time. I’m not sure if I’m explaining this well, but I think I will always remember tonight as a new stop for you. A growth, or stepping stone in so many steps that you’ve been taking lately.

I will always remember these days Maddie. The days when a baby is turning into a person. When I turn from just caretaker to companion.

You are a special person too. You have a wonderful personality. You seen to enjoy getting outside and doing new things and interacting with people. Your mom and I are obviously bias, but you are something special. You seem to be more personable than most toddlers. We feel so lucky to have you.

Much love,


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