Fathers Day – Your Second Camping Trip

We went on your second camping trip last weekend with you. It was fathers day. It was my first fathers day and I won’t ever forget it. We went to a beautiful spot. A place called Dunton Meadows, up the West Fork of the Dolores River. Per usual for your mom and I, it was a bit more of an adventure than we anticipated.

We left Friday afternoon. Before we left we checked the weather. The weather looked a little iffy but not too bad. I think there was a 30% chance of rain or something like that. We arrived at camp at about 6:00 pm, which is almost your bed time. Right as we looked at our first camp site it started to rain quite hard. Your mom and I couldn’t decide if we should stay or not. We didn’t want to make you too uncomfortable. You did great on our first camp trip but that trip was ideal temperatures. This trip had lows around freezing. We weren’t sure if that was too cold for you or not.

After a little stress, we decided to stay. We set up camp, got you to bed and ate dinner. We put too many layers on you and you got hot and woke up a few times, but once we dialed in your temperature you went right to sleep. It rained all night.

The next morning we woke up to dumping snow. By the time I got out of my tent it had snowed a good inch and more was coming down. We were a little scared that we would get snowed in. Our camp was, as is typical with us, quite remote. It snowed most of the morning. About four inches accumulated. We made a few plans for an emergency exit if we needed it but the snow stopped falling by lunch.

You were extremely chill. We played in the tent and took naps for most of the day. We brought you lots of toys.

I think I’ve said this before, but you are a great baby. You seem to handle tough situations fairly well. You sleep well and hardly cry.

In the next day we decided to leave. It was warmer but you seemed to have had a rough night and neither your mom or you slept very well. Before we left we went on a hike to a cool waterfall. You slept most of the way home.

Another camp trip in the books. I’m excited for many more.

This weekend we are going to spend our first night in Durango. We are going to be living there during the weeks for the next year or so. We are building a house in Durango and when it is done we will be moving there full time. You will be able to walk to elementary school which will be amazing. Durango will be fun for you to grow up in. We will be leaving Dolores, where we live now. Your mom and I love it here and are sad to leave. But we think it will be better for all of us if we live in Durango.

Anyway. I love you.


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