Dear Schmidty…. Happy Father’s Day!

Hi Maddie. I know this website is supposed to be just letters to you, but I wanted to write one to your dad to celebrate his first Father’s Day.

Dear Schmidty,

Happy first Father’s Day. Sorry it took me a couple weeks to write this. You have been such a great dad to our daughter, and so supportive of me as a mom. We are so lucky to have a husband/father like you.

It is apparent that you have made being a good dad to Maddie a top priority. You spend quality time with her, going for property walks in the backpack, reading to her, changing so many diapers, and being there for her. My favorite is when you take her outside on the blanket and play with toys in the shade. You even do her laundry (I try to do some too) but let’s be real… you are much better at laundry than I am. It’s so cute how much you love her and our new little family.

You’ve also been amazingly supportive of me as I try to be mom and breastfeed. You’ve cooked so many wonderful healthy and delicious meals while I put the nugget to bed. You’ve often gotten up early with Maddie so I can get a few more minutes (or hours haha) of sleep after waking up feed at night. We’ve braved the sleep deprivation together and somehow I think we are handling it pretty well. You are always thinking about our family, even Woody and George. Even if you’ve had a long day you make sure to play ball with Woody and give them pets. You are an amazingly empathetic person and I am so grateful to have you by my side as we parent together.

I just want you to know that I recognize all the work you put into our little family. Thanks for packing all our cooking and camping stuff when we take the nugget camping. It’s so tough to get everything together when one of us is watching Maddie. Thanks for doing more than your share of cooking so I can be breastfeeding. Thanks for being organized and getting stuff packed and moved to our new and tiny house in Durango. Thanks for prioritizing your physical and mental health and taking care of yourself so that you can be best dad ever.

I love you so much! I can’t wait for all the adventures we’ll have with miss Maddie pants. It will be an epic 18 years haha. Happy first Father’s Day and many more to come!



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