Another post because I’m excited – a story

Yesterday we got home from Grand Junction, Colorado. It was your first road trip. Your mom and I were a little scared of how you would fair on your first trip. Before this trip the longest you’d been in your car seat was an hour. On the way there we left around 5 pm. We figured that you would sleep most of the way because your bed time is 6:30 pm. For the one hour and thirty minutes that make up the difference between our departure time and your bed time, we were prepared to entertain you.

You fell asleep immediately. And didn’t wake up until we got there.

Because of this success, we left earlier in the day on the way home. We didn’t bother trying to time our departure with a nap or bed time. It was not realistic to wait until the evening either.

On the way home you were awake for a lot of the time but hardly put up a fuss. I can’t say in hind site I am surprised. While you are a lot of work, you’ve made things relatively easy on your mom and I.
One more thing. On this trip you got to meet your great grandmother, Darlene. It was a special moment in your life that you will not remember. We took photos with you, your mom, your nana Cindy, and your great grandmother. Here are some photos from the trip.

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