4/25/2023 – Four Months and 3 weeks old

Dear Maddie,

Random thoughts. You’ve been such a cute baby this month. You are starting to smile, talk and giggle. You just started to become interested in food. We went to Durango this weekend because Schmidty was on a raft trip. It was his first trip away since you were born and I thought it would be nice to be with my family for support in case it was hard to take care of you alone. But you were super easy, slept great and were very social. Your first taste of real food was a bit of pizza crust that uncle Ben made on his big green egg. Mom even got in a bike ride while you hung out with Nana Cindy. You had your first giggle with grandpa and nana in the livingroom at their place in Durango. You were laying on the floor and we were playing together with your knitted bunny. You thought the bunny was really funny and it was the cutest.

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