11 Months Old…Almost a Year

So you are almost a year old. Man it’s been a wild ride. There has been a lot going on for our family. For starters we moved and are building a house in Durango.

The house demolition we are doing.

We moved to Durango because I got a new job. We are building the house very close to your Nana Cindy and Papa Matt. They help take care of you every week. We also moved because you will be able to walk to school and live in a neighborhood with other kids.

We moved from Dolores, Colorado. It is only about an hour away. Your mom and I lived in Dolores for almost 10 years. We loved it. We had an amazing house. It was a barn that we remodeled into a house. It was on 35 acres and had a climbing wall inside. We are trying to decide what to do with it right now. We are not sure if we want to sell it or rent it or something else. It is very special to us so we kind of don’t want to sell it. But we also want to simplify our lives so that we can take good care of you. We have a lot going on and taking care of you and each other is the most important.

You have been an amazing little baby these last few months. You are getting big really fast. You seem like you could walk any day now and you are starting to be very vocal. You have eight teeth so far and it seems like you get a new one every week.

But things have also been a little hard. You wake your mom and I up a lot at night and your mom and I are very very tired most days. But despite everything that is going on we still feel very lucky to have you.

You playing in the sand in Moab, Utah.
You and your Mama playing in the front seat.
You and I playing while mom cooks us dinner.
With all the new teeth you have you are now eating solid foods.
You with your grandma Ann.
You riding a bike with mom.

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